How We are Responding to COVID-19 (5-24-20)

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have implemented a number of measures recommended by the NYS Department of Health (DOH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to best protect the health and safety of our residents and staff. These measures include:

• Suspension of visitation: For the safety of our residents and staff, all visitation is currently suspended, except for imminent end-of-life situations.

• Health check/screening: All individuals/staff are screened for COVID-19 symptoms, including temperature checks upon the start of each shift and every 12 hours while on duty. Any adverse response or temperature readings are addressed according to current guidance and facility protocols.

• Infection Control (IC) & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All healthcare personnel are adhering to strict infection control and prevention protocols and wear a face mask while within six feet of residents and one another. Staff have access to the utilization of PPE when interacting with COVID-19 suspected or confirmed residents.

• Limitation of non-emergency offsite appointments: Non-emergency offsite appointments shall be cancelled and rescheduled for a later date and time to prevent unnecessary potential for exposure and help mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19 in the community.

• Employee Testing for COVID-19: EO 202.30 requires the operators and administrators of all nursing homes to test or make arrangements for the testing of all personnel, including all employees, contract staff, medical staff, operators and administrators, for COVID-19.

For additional COVID-19 related information, please visit the following websites:

• New York State DOH COVID-19 Website

• CDC COVID-19 Website

• CDC Prevention recommendations

• New York State County Association of County Health Officials
(click on your county of residence for the latest updates)

Additional questions or concerns can be directed to the respective facility by calling the phone number listed below. You may also direct questions to the DOH at, or

Our Facility’s Visitation Rules
Ensuring our residents are cared for in a safe and healthy environment is our number one priority. As of March 12th, we have restricted visitor access to our facilities until further notice.

We understand that certain situations may warrant an exception to this rule and we will do whatever we can to accommodate such exceptions without jeopardizing the health and safety of yourself and others.

Families still can connect virtually with their loved ones. To learn more, please see Connecting with your Loved One, below.

Notification Calls
In an effort to ensure you continue to receive the most up to date information, our facilities will begin transitioning to the use of automated calls regarding notification to all residents/resident representatives of a COVID-19 positive case or COVID-19 related death. The calls will be generated on behalf of the facility by a trusted third-party call center, Nexus Health Resources.
We want to stress our level of concern for your loved one and reassure you that we are taking all necessary steps to protect our residents, employees, and our surrounding community. We appreciate the steps that you are taking to help mitigate the spread and prevalence of COVID-19 in our community, and value the spirit of our residents during this time. As of March 12th, we have restricted visitor access to our facilities until further notice in accordance with federal and state mandates.

As a reminder we are offering FaceTime/Video Calls with loved ones as a way for you to connect with each other. We will continue to take necessary steps for alternative means of visitation for patients to reach out to their loved ones, through phone calls and digital platforms. Please follow along on our Facebook page, or contact the facilities directly and ask for the Social Services or Recreation departments to inquire or schedule an appointment for a virtual call.

Facility Phone Number
EPIC Rehabilitation and Nursing at White Plains
Middletown Park Rehabilitation and HCC
Putnam Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Salem Hills Rehabilitation and Healthcare
Sky View Rehabilitation and Health Care
Waterview Hills Rehabilitation and Healthcare
How to Schedule Audio and Video (Virtual) Calls
Please contact the individual facility directly via the Social Services or Recreation departments to inquire or schedule an appointment for a virtual call. If a department staff member is unavailable, a message can be left for our staff and calls will be returned within 24 hours. Staff generally monitor their messages daily Mon-Fri between the hours of 9am-5pm.

Alternatively, you can email our Customer Care Team at the specific facility email address below with the subject line “Schedule a Call”.
To contact other staff members, please listen closely to the menu options on the facility call directory for specific departments, or you can send inquiries via email to the facility specific Customer Care mailbox below:

Facility Customer Care Email
EPIC Rehabilitation and Nursing at White Plains
Middletown Park Rehabilitation and HCC
Putnam Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Salem Hills Rehabilitation and Healthcare
Sky View Rehabilitation and Health Care
Waterview Hills Rehabilitation and Healthcare

Please check back on our website and social media channels for regular updates. If you would like to be added to our facility email list, please send an email to the facility specific Customer Care mailbox stating that you would like to be added. Please use the subject line “Add to Email List”.
Please help us mitigate the spread and prevalence of COVID-19 in our community by doing everything you can to keep yourself and others safe and healthy.
• Follow social distancing guidelines
• Clean your hands often with soap and warm water
• Stay home if it all possible — especially if you are sick.

The support from our local community has been overwhelming. We appreciate all acts of kindness during this time! Cards, notes, or some thoughtful words of appreciation are always welcomed and appreciated to help lift the spirits of our residents and staff.

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